Wednesday 9 May 2012

The past two months....

Birthday Celebrations at La Mancha - 29th March 2012

Someone stitched me up, more birthday celebrations at TGI Fridays -5th April 2012

Josies Birthday, Me & Sarah - 10th March 2012

Emily's 'Come dine with me' Party - 20th April 2012

Bar Wizards Late Night Lab Launch - 5th May 2012

Bar Wizards Late Night Lab Launch - 5th May 2012

Bar Wizards Late Night Lab Launch - 5th May 2012

Bar Wizards Late Night Lab Launch - 5th May 2012

Bar Wizards Late Night Lab Launch - 5th May 2012

Well, It's been a while

Your right, I started a blog... did 6 posts and then gave up.
Well I wish I could say "I've been busy" but to be honest, it has been the quietist two months I've possibly ever had... but I suppose that means I've nothing to tell.
Well the next few posts will show a little bit of what I've been up to the past few months. Enjoy!